Friday, November 21, 2014

A little about me, Lauren R. Gray

-       I am a huge fan of the music artist, Drake and I created this blog to express to the world why I such a huge fan of Drake himself, as a music artist and actor. This blog will provide a little bit of information about who exactly Drake is as an artist.
All about Me

·       My name is Lauren Gray.

·       I am 18 years old.
·       My parents are both very supportive and loving to my brothers, sister, and I.

·       I have two little brothers and an older sister.

·       My favorite color is purple.

·       I really enjoy traveling, I have even traveled outside of the country before!

·       My favorite two cities in the world are NYC and Paris.

·       Visiting Paris and going sky-diving are both on my bucket list.

·       My interest are fashion and free writing.

·       During my free time I enjoy hanging out with my family and friends, and going on vacations.
·       When I am older and graduate from college, I plan on moving to NYC or LA to pursue my dreams in the fashion industry and journalism.


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